Sunday, April 13, 2008

London Marathon

I went out for a walk this morning and ended up watching the London Marathon for a few hours. It ended on the Mall in front of Buckingham Palace. While the marathon was running they had a series of three mile-or-so races for 11-17 year olds from all over the Commonwealth. They would finish in different waves with each age group wearing different color shirts. It was a great event! The announcer was very fun to listen to. I walked the course backwards and caught the wheelchair leaders at about 25 miles near Parliament and Big Ben, the womens leaders (I accidently deleted the video of the women from the camera), then the mens leaders at about the 23-24 mile mark.

It was one of the fastest marathons in history with three men under 2 hours, 6 minutes -- which is amazing!

Video: London Marathon

Here's a link to the BBC video which is a little better than mine. It also includes the wheelchair crash at the finish.

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